The word ‘Isshin’ is made up of two kanji. The first ‘hitotsu’ means ‘one’ and the second, ‘kokoro’ means ‘heart’. ‘Kokoro’ also refers to the mind. When we talk about Isshin, we talk of having ‘one mind’, to be one in mind and in purpose.

When we talk of the quality of Isshin in a person, we mean that this person does not have two faces; he is straightforward in his dealings with others. His words and actions stem from a strong feeling of oneness, a feeling of being.

Such a person takes full responsibility for his life. He doesn’t waver. He is a man of honor. He shows respect to others. When he has made a mistake, he apologizes. Many people in Europe seem to have forgotten how to apologize. They always have an explanation or an excuse. Their pride does not permit them to apologize or to admit a mistake. This is not Isshin. Pride and honor are not the same. A man of honor has the strength of character to admit his mistakes, take responsibility for them and apologize.

When we talk of the quality of Isshin in a person, we talk of a man who lives in a world of honor. His honor makes him courteous and gives him dignity. This dignity does not come from a title or position, but from being one with oneself. Dignity comes from Isshin.

In Budo we seek this quality of Isshin. Budo is a world of honor. We show respect to the others, to our sensei, and to the members of the dojo. We show respect to the dojo, the place where we practice and learn the Way. We show respect to our weapons and the weapons of others.

A dojo is not like a club where you go with friends to have a good time. It is also not a place where you pay and then choose what you take and what you don’t want. A dojo is where we practice the Way.

A person who practices with the correct mind, feels gratitude for the generosity he receives from the people in the dojo. Gratitude for the generosity of the sensei who gives his time and energy to help us on the Way; gratitude for the generosity of the other deshi in the dojo, who are patient with us, who are as a mirror for us, showing us our successes but also our weaknesses.

A person who walks this path, showing gratitude and respect to others, dealing with others with courtesy and magnanimity, surely will realize the quality of Isshin.